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Welcome to GFAR's engagement platform!

The GFAR’s engagement platform is an unique place for GFAR members, partners and "friends of GFAR" to connect, share, learn, decide and co-create! The platform welcomes all organisations and individuals concerned with the transformation of agricultural and food research and innovation systems to achieve more inclusive, equitable and sustainable development. It is made of three main spaces:

  • The Knowledge and Learning Hubs – a place for everyone to share information and experiences, reflect & learn together! 
  • The Action Space – a place for members to take action together through Collective Actions!
  • The Governance space – a place for members to take part into shaping GFAR strategic direction!

Browse the different spaces, join the groups, events and discussions that are of your interest and propose new ones! Meet and interact with the community of people and organisations. Also, you may enjoy reading or sharing resources through the e-library, events, news and opportunities sections. Do not forget to register your organisation as a GFAR member to make the best of your experience on this platform and access more groups and contents! 

A big "thank you" for being part of the community!